pillarbox-web API

Welcome to the documentation for the Pillarbox Web Player, a web-based video player built on top of Video.js.

Quick Guide

To get started with Pillarbox, install it through the following command:

npm install --save @srgssr/pillarbox-web

In your HTML file, add the following code to initialize Pillarbox:

<video-js id="my-player" class="pillarbox-js" controls></video-js>

Import the CSS file in your HTML to apply Pillarbox default theme:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@srgssr/pillarbox-web/dist/pillarbox.min.css"/>

Finally, import Pillarbox and set up the player:

import Pillarbox from '@srgssr/pillarbox-web';

const player = new Pillarbox('my-player', {/* options... */ });
player.src({ src: 'urn:swi:video:48115940', type: 'srgssr/urn' });

Player workflows

For a comprehensive guide on player workflows, refer to the official Video.js Player Workflows Guide.

More showcases and examples ara available in the Pillarbox Demo Application.

Further Reading

Pillarbox serves as a superset of video.js, making all the available API features from video.js accessible without any modification. The most useful doc tu start is the Player class.

To learn more about video.js, you can visit the Video.js Guides and the Video.js API docs.

To expand the features that Pillarbox offers out of the box, visit the Pillarbox Web Suite. You are welcome to contribute and share your own components there.

Keep track of our Known Issues section.

You can learn more about themes and create your own with the Pillarbox Theme Editor.